Marvel's X-Babies

My attempt to put as many 616 and AU children of the X-Men (and other Marvel characters) together as possible. It's going to be out of date in a month, and there's NO WAY I haven't missed kids (plus, I haven't actually read some of the comics the kids are from) but it's a lot easier find this info here than on the wikis I've found.

There are now a LOT of entries that don't involve X-Men. I'm keeping the title, though, because it's far from exhaustive and I refuse to do entries for Avengers I don't like. I'm only promising X-related babies :P

On to the LISTS:
A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H-I | J-K | L | M | N-O | P-Q | R | S1 | T-U | V | W | X-Z
Reality names given HERE