Reality Number (according to - Reality Name (sometimes chosen arbitrarily) [links to kids from world] 

BW02 - Battleworld Dystopia(1)
BW08 - Battleworld Regency(1)
BW22 - Battleworld Warzone(1)
BW26 - Battleworld: Hydra(1)
BW37 - Battleworld: Limbo(1)
Counter-Earth/Heroes Reborn - (2)
T064 - X-Men: Destiny game (1)
T238 - Tier’s Weird Old West (1)
T243 - Planet of the Beasts (1)
T419 - Earth X Spiderman‘s Dream (1)
T421 - 2061 AD (4)
T451 - Earth-Peni Parker (1)
27 - Earth-Magnus (1)
98 - Earth-1961 (5)
161 - X-Men Forever (3)
295 - Age of Apocalypse (4)
691 - Guardians of the Galaxy (3)
717 - What If? 2005 (1)
772 - Spider-Man Joined the FF (1)
811 - Days of Future Past (7)
892 - Doom‘s Dream World (2)
904 - X-Men Stayed in Asgard (4)
905 - Prof X Became the Juggernaut (3)
917 - Namor Joined the FF (2)
957 - Blink Didn't Die (5)
967 - Hyperstorm: DoFP (1)
982 - MC2 (22)
987 - Fury of Colossus (1)
1005 - The Offspring (4)
1010 - Project Cerebro-X (1)
1015 - X is Enough (7)
1017 - X-Men: Most Wanted (1)
1018 - Mutants, Mutants Everywhere(2)
1040 - Bishop: Father of Man(2)
1041 - Alpha Flight: Project Epsilon (1)
1043 - Brother(hood)'s Keeper (1)
1078 -Black Widow/Spider Man (2)
1119 - Earth-Panther (2)
1122 - Earth-May Reilly (1)
1191 - Forever Yesterday (3)
1298 - Mutant X (5)
1610 - Ultimate Universe (17)
2022 - Once and Future Submariner (1)
2111 - Earth-Lead Lad (1)
2149 - Zombiverse (2)
2182 - Earth-Nocturne (2)
2301 - Mangaverse (4)
2600 - Kill David Richards (1)
2937 - Sacrificial Worlds (1)
2992 - New 2099 (1)
3515 - Thor: The Reigning (3)
4935 - Clan Askani (2)
6311 - Other Earth (3)
6706 - Sol III (5)
7153 - Earth-Vanora (1)
8009 - Earth-Lyra (1)
8342 - Captain America 30 Years Later (2)
8410 - 2020 AD (2)
8441 - Black Panther (5)
8610 - Gates of What If? (4)
8912 - 2093 AD (1)
9021 - No More Powers (1)
9112 - Phoenix Had Not Died (1)
9200 - Dystopia (1)
9511 - Last Avengers (6)
9809 - Caledonia (1)
9811 - Secret Wars: 25 Years Later (6)
9891 - Time's Arrow: DoFP (1)
9922 - Team X 2000 (1)
9997 - Earth-X (8)
10280 - Avengers Assembled Once More (3)
11051 - Children‘s Crusade Future (4)
11511 - Grown Up Avengers Academy (3)
12121 - Daredevil: End of Days (4)
12218 - Psylocke and Angel had Kids (2)
12665 - The Future Future Foundation (1)
13035 - Creed and Holo Married (2)
13133 - Planet X (1)
13729 - Jean Grey School Future (10)
14412 - King Thor (3)
14436 - Matt Murdock‘s 50th (1)
15513 - Battlerealm (1)
22795 - Scarlet Witch didn’t Act Alone (2)
23884 - Hulk Married the She-Hulk (1)
25158 - Battleworld DoFP(2)
32098 - Ages of Apocalypse (2)
41001 - X-Men: The End (25)
58163 - House of M (8)
61029 - Nimrod: DoFP (2)
69798 - Children in the Attic (2)
71166 - Earth: Quarantine (7)
77995 - Age of Xavier (2)
80911 - Empress Hydra (3)
81122 - Ultimate Universe: Alternate Future (1)
88896 - Arachnamorphosis (3)
89112 - X-Men Lost Inferno (1)
90110 - Cosmic Avengers (5)
91111 - Sue Richard's Second Child Lived 1 (1)
91112 - Sue Richard's Second Child Lived 2 (1)
94040 - Scott+Jean Married Earlier (1)
97400 - Magneto Saved Anya & Magda (1)
98120 - Avengers: 2099 (2)
101001 - Marvel Anime (1)
113500 - Emperor Mandarin (2)
199999 - MCU/Movieverse (3)
200111 - Punisher: No Heroes/Earth-MAX (1)
555326 - Next Avengers (5)
807128 - Nu-Earth/Old Man Logan (6)